Hogue/Williams House

This wattle, daub, and hewn log house was built in the early 1800s by Samuel Hogue and contains much of its original woodwork and cabinetry. In 1895 the Daughters College Souvenir Club was formed “for the purpose of raising money to be invested in a small, comfortable home, to be held in trust for the President and Mrs. John Augustus Williams.  They are in destitute circumstances and now relief would afford them happiness in their old age as that coming from their girls.”

In 1896 the trustees of the Club purchased the house on the corner of Race (now Factory) and East streets which became the home of President and Mrs. Williams. 

*John A Williams built Daughters College in 1855 which he operated until 1891 when his health began to decline. It was sold to Colonel Thomas Smith in 1894 and became Beaumont College.


Hogue/Williams House
224 East Factory Street
Harrodsburg, KY 40330